Tree Planting Accounting Software Video Tutorial

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Tree Planting Accounting Software Video Tutorial

Well, they say a picture is a thousand words, and since there’s 25 pictures a second… Although I admit the quality of the videos are not that great (they improved over the tutorial as I learned how to save things better), they should give you a good overview how the accounting software functions, and I can always add better quality and more detailed videos in the future based on particular requests.

Otherwise you can check out the online help files at the tree planting accounting software pages for a full explanation how the program operates and where you can download a free demo version and a free Excel file used to manage incoming reefers.

For best clarity the below videos should be watched in sequence. To the bottom right of each video frame (second icon from the right) you can press the YouTube button to increase the video size to full screen.


A rough overview and introduction to the treeplanting accounting software.

Introduction 2

An overview of how a proper database should be set up, with interlinking tables, as opposed to a spreadsheet-like system using Excel, for example.

Changing the Look and Feel

Unlike accounting software which might be designed in C++ language (Windows fixed), since this treeplanting accounting software is written in MS Access (a part of Microsoft Office, as is Excel), you will be able to change the look and feel yourself, and make any other changes. In effect, it is technically a fully open source software.

Searching within Tables and Data

Access has much more powerful search functions than Excel, allowing you to find and sort the data at your fingertips and hone in on what data you need.

Fancy Graphs

Since all the data and tables are interconnected, graphs can become very useful, not to mention that they automatically update as soon as you add or change any of the tree planting tallies or figures.

Camp Costs

An easy way how to deal with camp costs – a default value which automatically inputs with every new day’s tally and a good overview of each tree planter’s camp costs for each day.

Inputting Data

Add tally numbers using drop down menus of planters, blocks and tree species, add many planters at once, while data and calculations throughout the rest of the database update automatically.

Managing Contracts

Contract profits, tally numbers, tree overcounts… everything at your fingertips. And issue invoices with the press of a single button!

Reefers and Deliveries

Combine the use of a dynamic Excel file to manage incoming reefer deliveries and to manage overcounts on a daily basis.

Paying the Planters

See how much you owe, how much you’ve paid, issue quick cheques – a good overview of your treeplanting accounting at your fingertips.

Report for Planters

The same useful data as above but in an easy to print form for your tree planters to compare against their figures.

Issuing Cheques

Use a ready-made form to print out professional looking cheques.

Adjusting Dropdown Menus

Change these from year to year or contract to contract to keep your tree planting database compact and easy to work with.


Easily expandable to calculate, fill in and print out tax forms, plant wizard compatible… the sky’s the limit!


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We are a family operation managing private custom boat tours in the beautiful Palawan area, and are happy to help travelers with their plans through the country, having traveled a lot of it ourselves and planning to visit it all. The pages in this section concern when I was treeplanting in Canada over eight summers.