Ya gotta hustle if you wanna make money!
“Ribboning your piece”, when you first plant to the back and define which area is yours.
Some cutbanks can be so harsh it can take half an hour by the time you find a place to clamber up and make your way back to your piece.
Some of the points you have to pass through when transferring to another project.
Or just to get to the block from camp.
Our precious tool, bought in different shapes and sizes, or cut down custom to size – anything to get that edge.
Or, like golf clubs, different shapes for different terrain. This one would obviously be good for very steep ground.
Planters often exhausted after another long day, snooze in the truck on the way back to camp.
Monster treads for monster conditions.
Typical bundles of trees, about 20 seedlings each.
Boxes packed with tree bundles. Often opened early morning because the roots froze together overnight.
Pine seedling.
Sometimes you’re lucky and you find some juicy raspberries or other goodies on or next to your piece.
The cache, where trees are kept cool, or where planters hide from the intense sun during snack breaks.
Sometimes you inadvertently plant your hand into a wasp nest.
Some local probably making roof shingling or tiles from yellow cedar.
Home » Treeplanting »We are a family operation managing private custom boat tours in the beautiful Palawan area, and are happy to help travelers with their plans through the country, having traveled a lot of it ourselves and planning to visit it all. The pages in this section concern when I was treeplanting in Canada over eight summers.