Colloidal Silver

Home » Palawan » Healing » Colloidal Silver

healing-a-wartThe reason I wanted to give this substance a try is because I had been struggling with a wart on my foot for almost two years. For half a year I had tried everything possible, including big pharma, as you can see from the pictures on this facebook album. Until I got desperate enough to try cannabis oil, which a friend of mine has been using to heal people of cancer and all sorts of other horrible diseases all over the world. In ten days flat it got rid of most of my wart and I was able to walk comfortably again, but it was buried deep, right down to the bone, which would require some internal consumption. Apparently the surface wart is like a mushroom popping up for air and feeding a virus circulating around within my bloodstream. I later learned that it is connected with my growing cavities, as one girl reported that all her warts went away when her dentist removed her cavities (which is basically a virus growing in your teeth). But I do not want any dentist to gouge out giant holes from my teeth and leave mercury to poison my body over the long term, and was prepared to give the hemp oil a chance internally. Alas, my time in Thailand had been coming to an end and getting the fine herb for the next year that I travelled through Indonesia and Malaysia was absolutely out of the question. The wart slowly grew back, and my cavities continued to grow. After that year, I moved to the Philippines (my comparison to Thailand), but with a life sentence for possession, I wasn’t about to take a chance here either. However, one friend suggested I try Colloidal Silver, which apparently kills bad bugs, viruses, and gives a strong boost to the body’s immune system.


In the days of ol’, they used silver as an antiseptic and to treat infections. Possible uses were and are:

  • In wound dressings and was frequently used for the same purposes in America following the Civil War.
  • Churches use silver chalices in Communion to stop disease spreading through the congregation.
  • It reduces the appearance of acne that is bacterial in origin.
  • Gives a strong boost to your immune system, combats sinus infections and colds, and some say even HIV Aids and cancer, plus many more.

colloidal-silver-kills-virusesEven the rich children were told to suck on their expensive silver spoons, or wealthier people were deemed generally healthier because they could feed themselves with these elegant utensils. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why it has been said that a silver bullet is required to kill the most blood sucking of viruses, the dreaded vampire?

In essence it was used as an antibiotic, but this practice slowly subsided with the advent of modern antibiotics. However, the problem with the modern version is that it behaves as a sort of nuclear bomb and blows up the body’s good bacteria as well. Our body needs this good bacteria to fight bad bacteria, or like those in our intestines, to help us break down food. This is why it is a good thing to consume probiotics, such as yoghurt, because they supply our system with these very useful bacteria.

And when this little bomb is dropped, it ends up splattering the dead bacteria and toxins all over the inside of our intestinal walls, depositing in the endless hidden pockets there andColloidal-Silver-helicobacter-pylori seeping back into our circulatory system to cause all sorts of damage. Not to mention that overuse of this substance leads to the mutation and creation of superbugs which regular antibiotics are no longer effective against, but which colloidal silver still is.

But the way in which silver works targets only the bad bacteria in that it acts as a catalyst, disabling the enzyme that one-celled bacteria, viruses and fungi need for their oxygen metabolism. They suffocate without corresponding harm to human enzymes or parts of the human body chemistry. The result is the destruction of disease-causing organisms in the body and in the food.

Silver acts as a catalyst and disables an enzyme that facilitates actions inside cells. It is not consumed in the process so it is available to keep working again and again. The enzyme silver destroys is required by anaerobic bacteria, viruses, yeast and molds. (Unfriendly bacteria tend to be anaerobic and friendly bacteria aerobic). This is the action that destroys pathogens. It stops them from using the body’s own cells as vehicles for replication. Colloidal silver creates an environment that makes it impossible for pathogens to survive and multiply.

Since it is not designed to combat a specific pathogen but rather works against the very nature of their life cycles, it is an effective preventative agent against all illnesses caused by all pathogens including future mutations. There is no known disease-causing organism that can live in the presence of even minute traces of colloidal silver. Laboratory tests show that anaerobic bacteria, virus, and fungus organisms are all killed within minutes of contact. Parasites are also killed whilst still in their egg stage. Colloidal Silver is effective against infections, colds, influenza, fermentation and parasitic infestations.

If used properly and of sufficient quality, it does not harm the body at all. However, if the quality is not good, such as if the particles are too large (the potion should be light yellow in colour and never dark, or you should never see silver flakes floating in the concoction or resting on the bottom of the bottle) or if mixed poorly (such as with salt water, as one famous case did with his home brew), it may result inargyria.


After all, silver is used in developing film, since it is sensitive to light, and if not produced properly, exposure of your skin to enough sunlight will cause the silver to develop over the long term until you turn outright purple!! Other than that, no negative side-effects are known of.

I did some internet research and soon enough found a good supplier, producing quality silver in the appropriate, very fine sizes. This is what he had to say about the purple man (aka “Papa Smurf”, above):

I’ve been consuming our product in large quantities for a couple years, as has my oldest son….he actually drinks it by the glassful.

colloidal-silver-healing-1When he first starting taking it, his herxheimer reaction was intense, brain fog followed by intense clarity that remains to this day. I can’t remember if I told you my detox story…it started with the mucus lining in my gut flushing out, then my head felt like it was in a vise, then the worst flu symptoms EXCEPT no fever or any abnormal temperature and no congestion. It was amazing, and I’ve felt great since, except for one bout with strep throat that I was able to cure in a day taking huge doses of vitamin C.  Besides that, I don’t get sick anymore. 

Water has a memory…it even memorizes your emotions. I can’t say how long the 258Hz imprinting lasts [explained on the next page], only that numerous trusted sources swear by it for an extra kick in healing. They say that water is the closest thing to the Divine that you can experience. And just look how many people flock to the ocean, which happens to have the same salinity as the womb and the human body. 

colloidal-silver-healing-2You may see the smear campaign where a guy turned blue. He’s a moron…he made homemade colloidal silver using heavily salted water and then consumed it obsessively for years! Using salt water is the biggest mistake to make because the silver ions and chloride ions make love and combine into a silver salt. Silver salts are what photographic film uses to be photosensitive! Where are all the other cases of this? Almost non-existent. His story is fear mongering by the establishment.

We start with distilled and deionized water. And we tell customers not to mix our product with anything because if those food or drink items have ions in them like salty water, the silver ions may combine and lose their magic. So just take it by the spoonful, swish and swallow.

Silver is making a huge comeback in modern medicine for the sole reason that it works while Big Pharma antibiotics are less and less effective. 

For example, the medical folks are scared to death of an MRSA outbreak because they don’t have a good defense against it. But with silver, it’s a joke!

He expressed regret that the big jug I was ordering only partially filled the minimum sized box he was required to use for shipping, and after a lengthy email exchange, I agreed to fork out a bit extra cash while he agreed to offer me a discount in order to fill the box completely and try our luck at selling the natural anti-biotic to guests of the resort I am building. And like any great marketer, he thought he’d beef up the sales pitch by offering to imprint the water for free. I spent a fair amount of time researching the concept and must say it has been fascinating reading about the frequency 258hz, frequencies in general, the healing properties of sound, and the amazing qualities of water. Read about all this on the next page< !

Some tips on dosages and possible uses.


Home » Palawan » Healing » Colloidal Silver

05:51 03 Apr 24
I give 5 stars because they actually helped me to arrange the tour to Balabac in last minute. However, because the money wired through the local bank in my country took time to be processed, so i missed the boat due to peak season as many people paid before my money was received by the tour guide.As most of people usually feel, once your money has been transferred out to someone you do not know, you probably frustrated that your money would not be able to be refunded.But not in my experience. I dont need to be worry, the owner refunded me the money he has received (minus the bank fees). He promised to refund me and he did it. It was around 18.700 Pesos.So, eventhough i didn't manage to go with the tour, but i am really satisfied with their legitimate and great business practice. Hopefully, people will try their services and not worry about their legit business!Thanks a lot!
Chloe BlanchardChloe Blanchard
13:38 27 Mar 24
The most wonderful experience from booking to beach! Karel and Mel were so fast and responsive to my very last minute trip over the holidays. We booked a private boat for two and could not have been happier with our four day trip! We didn’t think about anything other than snorkeling the entire time. Linda, our captain, cooked wonderful meals and took us to totally empty beautiful beaches. We loved staying the night in Pical especially! Wonderful to experience the Philippines this way! Will come back again and would recommend to anyone!
hotel luci del farohotel luci del faro
08:13 31 Jan 24
We booked the 3 day 2 night expedition, from Coron to Sibaltan.First of all the booking part was really simple. I organized this trip to the Philippines last minute for my family (my parents and my uncles) but Karel answered all my questions very quickly and really made everything easier for me. It was an incredible experience. Albert, our tour leader, is a wonderful guy, always smiling and ready to help us. They assisted us in everything and really took care of making everything go smoothly. The accommodation on the islands is as spartan as you expect but the location of each hut alone is worth the trip. The wonder of nature was then added to the goodness of cuisine. It's really difficult to argue how you can cook all that goodness on a boat.If you are looking for an authentic experience, in contact with nature, off the beaten track, this company's private expedition is certainly for you.
Kate BrownKate Brown
00:22 27 Oct 23
What an unforgettable experience! We did a two night (3 day) island hopping tour from Sibaltan to Coron. Everything was so well organized and the boat crew were amazing and really made sure we had a great time. The accommodation was rustic, but added to the authentic experience of the Philippines. Karel always responded to any queries we had promptly. Our boatman, Albert, was the most amazing chef and we enjoyed every meal. The crew taught the kids how to fish with a line which was their highlight of the trip. They took us to the most unbelievable snorkelling spots along the way. Would highly recommend this trip.
Ian PascualIan Pascual
02:43 10 Aug 23
One of the most amazing, unforgettable things you can do in your life
Lou PrataliLou Pratali
11:04 25 Jul 23
This is a must to do!!Super ultimate tour is the best with Kayangan and barracuda lake, twin lagoons (my favorite), coral garden (blue fabulous coral) were the best. It’s really worth it to pay for private tour (3500 to 4000 PHP). You will also have to pay for entrance fees (150 to 200PHP by location) and eventually shopping at the market - must do (count 300 for 2 for fish, pork, fruits and vegetables, water).
16:11 07 Feb 23
I was looking for a personalized excursion to the stunning Bacuit Gulf.Based on the comments, I contacted Mel.Very responsive, very efficient and perfect organization.The on-board staff were very friendly and very helpful.And I'm not even talking about the meal on board...a marvel.In all fairness, this excursion will remain an excellent memory and I cannot recommend Mel and his team highly enough.A big thank-you.
Alyse TarbottonAlyse Tarbotton
23:48 30 Aug 22
This tour went well above all our expectations! I couldn't recommend this enough! The boat crew, captain and tour guide were nothing but amazing, everyone was so kind, helpful and friendly. The crew knew the best spots to visit that weren't overcrowded with tourists, 3 times we were lucky enough to have whole islands to ourselves! It was my partner's birthday while away and everything went above and beyond, bonfire, cake, birthday card, singing and celebrating with us.If you love camping this is definitely a tout you should do, it has been the highlight of our trip!!
Danish KayaniDanish Kayani
10:24 31 Oct 19
Coron is the best place i have ever seen.. picturesque. Beautiful. Peaceful
We booked a 4 days/3 nights private boat trip from Coron to Sibaltan. The organization went very well from the beginning, the owner answered to all my questions, and we were able to choose which islands to visit and where to sleep. The first night we slept in a bungalow in Banana Island, the second we camped in Araw beach and the last we slept in a seafront bungalow builded on a tree in Pical on Iloc Island.The islands in that area are the most beautiful islands I have ever seen, with clear water, lots of coral reef and fishes to see, white sand and almost deserted. The crew was very friendly and polite and they organize every single meal and for camping they give you a tent which was just perfect! This was our highlight in our 2 weeks in the Philippines and I wish I had booked a longer trip. A private trip gives you the freedom to decide where and when to go.
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We are a family operation managing private custom boat tours in the beautiful Palawan area, and are happy to help travelers with their plans through the country, having traveled a lot of it ourselves and planning to visit it all.

0 thoughts on “Colloidal Silver”

  1. ViBacBuster™ is a high quality ViBacSil™ producing device. ViBacSil™ is commonly known as colloidal silver solution that contains nanosize particles and has correct concentration based on scientific law and equation. Silver has been used since ancient Greek and Roman times as an antimicrobial, for preserving foods and liquids; and medicinally.

    I have checked online and found out that a seller in the Philippines is selling ViBacBuster™ and ViBacSil™. You may check his online ads by going here >>>

    I’ve found out that there is a website for that. It is

  2. citruc3May 7, 2012I LOVE Colloidal Silver. I have not had a cold in ages. I use my nebulizer the soencd I feel icky & Im fine the next day. Have not had a sore throat last more than a day. I have not had a canker sore last longer than 24 hours. When I bite my lip, I spray it immediately with silver and its fine the next day. I spray it several times on bug bites and it neutralizes the poison in the bite and the welt is gone within hours. Spray it on when I get hives or itchy rash, gone in min. LOVE using CS


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