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Private Boats, Public Ferries and Flights between El Nido, Linapacan and Coron

Private Boats, Public Ferries and Flights between El Nido, Linapacan and Coron

Ferries, private tours and flight information on this page: Table of contents Introduction to Linapacan, 52 islands between Coron and…

8 years ago

Henkey Boat Operator

Henkey owns a grocery store and homestay on a small rural island near to Linapacan. He also collects catch from…

8 years ago

Theresa Boat Hire

Arcenas and Theresa are a husband and wife team who run a homestay on a small rural island east of…

8 years ago


The Linapacan area comprises of 52 paradise beach islands half way between El Nido and Coron. It is not very…

8 years ago

Kitesurfing and Kiteboarding in Palawan

 One of the beautiful, empty beaches you can launch from to enjoy virgin turf on your own.  I no…

8 years ago

Boat Operator – Benji

This boatman might no longer be available. His primary source of income by profession, Benji also runs a regular schedule…

9 years ago

Suggested itinerary and travel plans for Palawan

Synopsis The Palawan area of the Philippines is the nicest, most natural, safe and devoid-of-typhoons area in the country. And…

9 years ago