Was a bit of a chore getting here, my Filipino friend asking locals all along the way. Should suffice to just ask the name with a question mark and they will point you the way, or use your maps.me, as it is on there (not on google maps). Took about 50 minutes on motorbike with sidecar, as a lot of the way was unpaved and a bit rocky. Would probably be a lot faster without the sidecar. Near the end we had to take off the sidecar because the road was really rough and my friend even had to get off the bike a few times to walk stretches. Looks like about an hour hike if you cant get your vehicle up the last part. Paid a local 150p (he said the amount is up to me) to show us the way. Noticed some other waterfalls advertised on a big sign on our way up there, about halfway from the main road/highway.
Just the drive up was fun too, here my friend taking a picture of a bathing ox. Very common site in this warm climate.
At the falls.
A bridge to the other side, from where I took the panoramic shot shown at the top of this page.
No one else around, so of course having a beautiful mermaid around is a lovely treat, just like at Kataw Falls closer to the highway, where there is a nice restaurant and some caves to explore.
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