Multi-day group boat tour expedition between El Nido and Coron

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Group boat tours between El Nido and Coron

There are three types of group tours:

  • open public, which have set schedules and which you can join
  • open private, which you or someone has proposed or committed to and which others can join
  • closed private

Open public group tours

Generally our group tours cost 18,500 php/pax and require at least 12 people to join, the average being 12-15 pax, up to 20, for a three day tour from Coron to El Nido. These are more common but if there is enough interest there can be an El Nido to Coron group tour as the boat makes its way back to Coron. Includes food, entrance fees and accommodation. Prices may increase during the peak season. 

The following is our latest schedule. We work with a network of operators so if you propose a certain date we can try to form a group for that schedule, mostly only three days tour though.

Route Start Days
El Nido to Coron 2025/01/23 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/01/23 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/01/24 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/01/24 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/01/25 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/01/25 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/01/26 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/01/26 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/01/27 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/01/27 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/01/28 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/01/28 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/01/29 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/01/29 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/01/30 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/01/30 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/01/31 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/01/31 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/02/01 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/02/01 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/02/02 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/02/02 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/02/03 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/02/03 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/02/04 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/02/04 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/02/05 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/02/05 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/02/06 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/02/06 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/02/07 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/02/07 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/02/08 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/02/08 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/02/09 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/02/09 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/02/10 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/02/10 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/02/11 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/02/11 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/02/12 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/02/12 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/02/13 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/02/13 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/02/14 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/02/14 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/02/15 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/02/15 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/02/16 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/02/16 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/02/17 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/02/17 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/02/18 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/02/18 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/02/19 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/02/19 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/02/20 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/02/20 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/02/21 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/02/21 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/02/22 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/02/22 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/02/23 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/02/23 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/02/24 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/02/24 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/02/25 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/02/25 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/02/26 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/02/26 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/02/27 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/02/27 3
El Nido to Coron 2025/02/28 3
Coron to El Nido 2025/02/28 3

Or the same schedule written out in words.

Open private group tours

If you would like to propose a group schedule and discuss with others of various possibilities, you can do so on our facebook group (where you will also find the latest planned schedule of the open public group tours), or our own forum (where you will find a schedule of those committed to organizing a group tour). Feel free to write to us for any particulars or details.

Posted proposals:

tent-camping on a group boat tour between El Nido and Coron

If forming or joining a private group tour, you can choose from accommodation where you’d like to stay, whether it is camping on a beach, or camping on your own island, traditional bamboo hut with fan on beach, aircon hotel or fancy resort.

You can also choose the dates, duration and route of your tour (El Nido > Coron, Coron > El Nido, or other).

The snorkeling is awesome in this area, some say in the clearest waters in the world, as opposed to the generally murky waters of the tourist packed El Nido and Coron, so feel free to enjoy the beautiful nature at the group’s pace and not subject to the strict schedule of preplanned public group tours.

You can even rent our wakeboard, wakesurf board, kayaks and/or spearguns for some added fun.

wakeboarding on a group boat tour between El Nido and Coron
Imagine passing all those beautiful islands while being the star of the show!

You can use this personality test we found if you’d like to limit your group to like-minded people, and if you are the main organizer, we can figure out the pricing to give you a discount, possibly even go for free!

Closed private tour

If you are traveling with your loved one or close family and prefer not to share your tour with strangers, like the Open Private tours you will be able to choose your own schedule, duration of your tour, where you stay overnight and which sites to see. Our most popular package is a four day tour between El Nido and Coron for two people for $2,500, but you can choose any number of days or people, use this price calculator (or broken down in sentence format).

The area between El Nido and Coron is beautiful and remote, where quite possibly the only crowds you’ll meet are your own (check out the best times to visit based on weather and tourist traffic). Because of the fewer traffic passing through, the locals are much friendlier than in the touristy towns. So nestle in around a warm, beach bonfire for an unforgettable experience!

Palawan boat tours.jpg

Experience the thrill of island hopping in the Philippines

Our reviews:

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Home » Palawan » v » Multi-day group boat tour expedition between El Nido and Coron

We are a family operation managing private custom boat tours in the beautiful Palawan area, and are happy to help travelers with their plans through the country, having traveled a lot of it ourselves and planning to visit it all.

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Party Boat Tour
Average rating:  
 2 reviews
 by Marco
Great experience but not perfect

Here is our feedback on the expedition. The feedback is constructive and reflects our view of things.

The crew & the boat:

We had the impression that the crew had been reorganised as they hardly seemed to know each other. We also had the impression that the boat had been additionally chartered. Perhaps because one of the ferries between Coron and El Nido was cancelled and the travellers now had to switch to the expedition boats. Whatever! In any case, the crew took very good care of us, we really must mention that. The crew really went out of their way to make sure we had a wonderful crossing! Really great!

Catering & drinks:

The meals were delicious and perfectly adequate. There was also plenty of water. What was missing was beer, we only had rum and cola with us. We know that excessive alcohol consumption on such expeditions is not conducive to success, but a few beers would certainly have been ok. On the last day we organised a few beers ourselves.

The group:

There were 9 of us on the boat, which we were very pleased about. Everyone got on very well together. We were almost the same age and had a lot of fun together. It also made our crossing a lot better. It was also a great constellation for our son.

The tours between the islands:

You sent us a very clear plan (see below) but unfortunately we have to say that we only saw half of what you offered us. We visited 3 spots per day. Unfortunately, we didn't see the spots near Coron (Twin Lagoon, Skeleton Wreck etc.) that were of particular interest to us.


It was a really great experience for us. The crew was great, the group size was great (not 14 people but only 9) and so was what we saw. Unfortunately, we also have to say that we would have expected a bit more beautiful spots for the money, just like you offered us. And as mentioned above, we all had the impression that the boat was used in addition and that this caused the deviations. In our eyes, it's not the crew's fault, it probably didn't work out so well elsewhere

 by Karel
Best way is to form your own group, what a blast!

Heard stories of random groups and, nah!

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