Affiliate program for boat tours and other services

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Affiliate program boat tours services sample

This affiliate program was set up primarily for our boat tour services:

boat tours price el nido coron island hopping philippines

for which we are offering a 20% referral rate, meaning you would get up to $500 dollars for every sale. But we plan to expand our site and services throughout this country, which with its more than 7,000 paradise beach islands and English as an official language, seems destined to become a top tourist hotspot in the world.

For this purpose we use a plugin which logs the path a visitor takes in our site before it fills in a contact form, anywhere on our site. This way, once a visitor lands on an affiliate entry page, s/he can freely surf our site and we will always know from where they originally came, to give you your commission when a sale is made.

Here is our first sample from Teacake Travels, who is linking to our affiliate page made for her. For SEO purposes, we always read the promotional page it will be linking from, to get inspiration, and then write up original content for that particular affiliate page, such as this example for Teacake. Then, whenever the visitor fills in one of our contact forms, we can see the path they took, as shown here:

Affiliate program boat tours services sample

Every time someone will contact us as a result of your affiliate link, we will inform you about it. This way you can test this principle yourself occasionally. Based on past years experience (although this year we have increased our prices to cover the affiliation) and because our prices for private tours are very competitive, we found that 40-50% of initial queries turned into a sale.

If you would like to take part in this affiliate program, we’d be happy to hear from you!

[wpforms id=”5200″]

Below are the instructions I wrote for my first affiliate link builder!

Building backlinks through affiliate program

One can have the best website in the world, but if no one links to it, google will perceive it as uninteresting and subsequently lower the entire site in its rankings. If you rank first in the search engine in a particular keyword, most people don’t bother looking past the first, top three links. If it does not even get on the first page of top ten links, a website has little chance of receiving viewers. The less viewers the less business I make. It is also important how long the viewers spend reading the page. The longer they spend on it, the more g will consider it interesting and worthy content, which will get a boost in the site’s rankings according to g’s algorithm. So not only is it important to write interesting and useful content, but also to build backlinks (links to my site from other sites).

One good way to do this is through an affiliate program. My prices are substantially less than the competition and it affords me the opportunity to pay another website up to $500 per sale. Of course, it is also important that the website linking to me is related content, such as bloggers writing about their travels. Not only does an improvement in my rankings lead to more visitors and in turn more sales, but sales increase just from visitors on other sites clicking on my link and visiting my site. So a win win situation.

Below is my latest progress. It is just a list of websites I have approached for an affiliate backlink. I have achieved only two so far, some German guy named Marcel and a UK female with teacake in her email address. So no point approaching them again. And they are probably marked in bold, bright green text, as well as any other people I found a little bit of success in. So one possibility is you go through the entire list below and approach each one of them again (since I am offering a lot more than when I last approached them), or start your own lists. Each list is under a title representing the keywords I used in my google search when looking for candidate sites. I also make such lists because I do not like to bother people with repetitive offers.

For example, if I haven’t already, you might try “travel philippines”. You do a search for those keywords in google and go down the results. Any page that might seem like a candidate, you right click on the link and open in new browser tab. You can go down the google results page and right-click-open-in -another-tab-sites that look interesting, and once you might have ten new tabs open, you can go through each of them and examine if they could be good candidates. The reason I right click open is because it makes your job more efficient, so you don’t have to spend 60% of your time staring at a page waiting for it to load.

I’ll keep repeating this process, going further down in the google results pages until the sites do not look so interesting anymore, and then I’ll try another keyword search.

Good candidate sites

Obviously, they should be travel related. Here are the most important keywords that I can think of off the top of my head:

Island hopping philippines
Travel philippines
Boat tours coron el nido

That’s just to give you an idea. But sometimes I’ll write a random page about some island here and be surprised how much traffic it gets. For example, you might decide to write some content about

Lazy beach life

you apply the usual tactics when writing that page to help get it higher up in g search results, after which you could look for affiliates using the same keywords. Therefore, these link building and content writing tasks basically work together, hand in hand, and I’m sure it is a combined skill that is worth having.

Obviously, you don’t want to waste your time approaching some monster commercial company like tripadvisor. Bloggers are usually pretty good to approach, and they like earning income from their pages. Perhaps I didn’t get great results before because I was only offering $100 commission, so perhaps up to $500 might capture some interest.

So basically, when you skim through a page and you get the feeling the owner might be interested and that the page would be good to link from, you simply contact them, either using their contact form or write them directly by email if they post their email address. If they respond positively directly back to you, you can just forward their email to me. Simply copy paste my letter below.
I like to be organised so I would appreciate it if you would keep records like I have below of everyone you approached in a list under each of the keywords you chose to search. BTW, I’m not interested in paying for links on other sites, although you are welcome or even encouraged to make a note of their offer in the list you create. I think my affiliate program is plenty enough generous.

If you do use their contact form, which I usually find easier, simply copy/paste my details and letter below.

Thank you!

Letter and info to copy/paste

Name: Karel Kosman
Subject:  Affiliate link from your site for $500 per sale!


Hi, I own the site and organise boat tours in the beautiful Philippines with its 7,000 islands and countless, white sand beaches. I’d be happy to offer you $500 commission for every sale you send my way. We mostly offer only private, custom boat tours, although sometimes our customers are couples on a romantic vacation and who might talk us down in price, so the least I could offer you is $250 for such sales, but generally I have the budget for most of my customers, who can be larger organised groups or families.

The way I keep track is using the WordPress plugin WP Forms. It has a Journey sub plugin which shows what path a visitor took through my site. For example, one affiliate page:

That is the author’s special affiliate link page and if a visitor writes to me on the contact form on that page or navigates their way around my site to eventually write to me on some other contact form (I do not post my email address), the records will always show where they started, and I always check this when approached by new customers.

During the high season I have organised as much as 14 tours in a single month, and since our prices are so competitive compared to other private custom tours, this could prove very lucrative for you.

Hope to hear from you! Karel

Questions from an affiliate

Hi Karel,
I hope this email finds you well. I apologize for the delayed response; I’ve been away and busy.
I am writing to you today to follow up on your email about the affiliate program for your boat tours in the Philippines. I am very interested in this opportunity, and I think it could be a great way to generate traffic and revenue for both of us.
I would like to know more about your commission structure. You mentioned offering a $500 commission for every sale, but I am unsure how you define a sale. Do you mean a booking made directly through your website, or does it also include bookings made through my website but finalized through other channels?
I am flexible, but generally it means through our website, because we mostly offer private tours and customers almost always have a million questions they want answered, so I’m not sure if it would work so well if finalised through another website, although I’m always open to ideas.
I am familiar with the WordPress plugin WP Forms and am interested in learning more about how you track affiliate sales using it. Could you please provide me with some guidance on how you would like it to work?
I have the pro version, which allows for the use of certain addons, such as Geolocation (so I know where a customer is writing from) and Journeys, which shows the path a customer took to get to my contact form. Often it includes websites outside of my own, but because this is not 100% effective, I have simply resolved this problem by asking affiliates to point to their special page on my site, such as
That’s a general template, but you are certainly welcome to change any of the text to better match your website. When I see that a customer came to me from an affiliate, I save the information, including the date and the name and email address of the customer, and the final outcome.
I would also like to ask if I can create a specific page on my website for your boat tours. I think this would be a great way to showcase your tours and generate more interest in them. I would also be happy to feature some of your blog posts on my website.
You are certainly most welcome to do any promotional work on your end, and draw from material on my own website. If you like I can also write something personally for you, as we are regularly adding more content to our site.
Is there any way I can see how many people I have sent to your website and how many of them have booked a tour? This would be helpful for me to track my performance and see how I can improve my marketing efforts.
Yes, as I mentioned above.
Finally, I would like to ask you the following questions:
  • What are the most popular tours that you offer?
I’d say it’s pretty even. I organize multiday private expedition tours between El Nido and Coron, while my wife organizes group tours between the two and single day private tours in either. A rather popular service and invented by my wife is the marriage proposal page:
  • What are the best times of year to book tours?
The most popular tour dates are around Christmas, New Years and Valentines day, the high season generally running from November to the end of May (mostly the drier season). But a lot of our customers book well in advance (sometimes even a year or more). These private expeditions are not cheap and generally our customers have the money, don’t want to share the trip with strangers, and are also careful and do their research for their vacation, wanting to get the most out of it.
  • What are some of the challenges that you face as a tour operator?
I’d say the biggest challenge could be correspondence with the customer, trying to find exactly their preferences and designing the private tour to best cater to them. But I also find it rather fun.
Another big challenge but not so fun is pushing our pages higher up in google and other types of promotion.
The rest concerns mostly logistics and is rather easy.
  • How can I help you promote your tours?
I’d say linking to your affiliate page on my site from as many of your Philippines and travel related pages as you can, and of course if it could be dofollow links that would be a nice bonus, but not necessary. Perhaps I could link to you as well? Besides that I’m open to all ideas 🙂

Home » Palawan » aff » Affiliate program for boat tours and other services

05:51 03 Apr 24
I give 5 stars because they actually helped me to arrange the tour to Balabac in last minute. However, because the money wired through the local bank in my country took time to be processed, so i missed the boat due to peak season as many people paid before my money was received by the tour guide.As most of people usually feel, once your money has been transferred out to someone you do not know, you probably frustrated that your money would not be able to be refunded.But not in my experience. I dont need to be worry, the owner refunded me the money he has received (minus the bank fees). He promised to refund me and he did it. It was around 18.700 Pesos.So, eventhough i didn't manage to go with the tour, but i am really satisfied with their legitimate and great business practice. Hopefully, people will try their services and not worry about their legit business!Thanks a lot!
Chloe BlanchardChloe Blanchard
13:38 27 Mar 24
The most wonderful experience from booking to beach! Karel and Mel were so fast and responsive to my very last minute trip over the holidays. We booked a private boat for two and could not have been happier with our four day trip! We didn’t think about anything other than snorkeling the entire time. Linda, our captain, cooked wonderful meals and took us to totally empty beautiful beaches. We loved staying the night in Pical especially! Wonderful to experience the Philippines this way! Will come back again and would recommend to anyone!
hotel luci del farohotel luci del faro
08:13 31 Jan 24
We booked the 3 day 2 night expedition, from Coron to Sibaltan.First of all the booking part was really simple. I organized this trip to the Philippines last minute for my family (my parents and my uncles) but Karel answered all my questions very quickly and really made everything easier for me. It was an incredible experience. Albert, our tour leader, is a wonderful guy, always smiling and ready to help us. They assisted us in everything and really took care of making everything go smoothly. The accommodation on the islands is as spartan as you expect but the location of each hut alone is worth the trip. The wonder of nature was then added to the goodness of cuisine. It's really difficult to argue how you can cook all that goodness on a boat.If you are looking for an authentic experience, in contact with nature, off the beaten track, this company's private expedition is certainly for you.
Kate BrownKate Brown
00:22 27 Oct 23
What an unforgettable experience! We did a two night (3 day) island hopping tour from Sibaltan to Coron. Everything was so well organized and the boat crew were amazing and really made sure we had a great time. The accommodation was rustic, but added to the authentic experience of the Philippines. Karel always responded to any queries we had promptly. Our boatman, Albert, was the most amazing chef and we enjoyed every meal. The crew taught the kids how to fish with a line which was their highlight of the trip. They took us to the most unbelievable snorkelling spots along the way. Would highly recommend this trip.
Ian PascualIan Pascual
02:43 10 Aug 23
One of the most amazing, unforgettable things you can do in your life
Lou PrataliLou Pratali
11:04 25 Jul 23
This is a must to do!!Super ultimate tour is the best with Kayangan and barracuda lake, twin lagoons (my favorite), coral garden (blue fabulous coral) were the best. It’s really worth it to pay for private tour (3500 to 4000 PHP). You will also have to pay for entrance fees (150 to 200PHP by location) and eventually shopping at the market - must do (count 300 for 2 for fish, pork, fruits and vegetables, water).
16:11 07 Feb 23
I was looking for a personalized excursion to the stunning Bacuit Gulf.Based on the comments, I contacted Mel.Very responsive, very efficient and perfect organization.The on-board staff were very friendly and very helpful.And I'm not even talking about the meal on board...a marvel.In all fairness, this excursion will remain an excellent memory and I cannot recommend Mel and his team highly enough.A big thank-you.
Alyse TarbottonAlyse Tarbotton
23:48 30 Aug 22
This tour went well above all our expectations! I couldn't recommend this enough! The boat crew, captain and tour guide were nothing but amazing, everyone was so kind, helpful and friendly. The crew knew the best spots to visit that weren't overcrowded with tourists, 3 times we were lucky enough to have whole islands to ourselves! It was my partner's birthday while away and everything went above and beyond, bonfire, cake, birthday card, singing and celebrating with us.If you love camping this is definitely a tout you should do, it has been the highlight of our trip!!
Danish KayaniDanish Kayani
10:24 31 Oct 19
Coron is the best place i have ever seen.. picturesque. Beautiful. Peaceful
We booked a 4 days/3 nights private boat trip from Coron to Sibaltan. The organization went very well from the beginning, the owner answered to all my questions, and we were able to choose which islands to visit and where to sleep. The first night we slept in a bungalow in Banana Island, the second we camped in Araw beach and the last we slept in a seafront bungalow builded on a tree in Pical on Iloc Island.The islands in that area are the most beautiful islands I have ever seen, with clear water, lots of coral reef and fishes to see, white sand and almost deserted. The crew was very friendly and polite and they organize every single meal and for camping they give you a tent which was just perfect! This was our highlight in our 2 weeks in the Philippines and I wish I had booked a longer trip. A private trip gives you the freedom to decide where and when to go.
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We are a family operation managing private custom boat tours in the beautiful Palawan area, and are happy to help travelers with their plans through the country, having traveled a lot of it ourselves and planning to visit it all.

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