Thought I’d check out these falls so drove up to Sebaste, but with my trike at 40km/hr I just flew past this little town. Apparently I blinked at the wrong moment. Drove back and found lodging at the Petron gas station for 1000p/night, and some fancy resort with no one there (but a phone number) on the other side of town past the bridge for 1,500p/night.
Decided to cruise around town at the slowest speed possible and stumbled upon a bloke with tel. no. 0912 804 7310 who directed me to this nice little shack:
for only 400p/night for simple fan room. Across the street you can swim in the pool for free, same establishment:
Here’s a map of the town:
This Inland Resort is the star just under Galido Street. I was recommended to eat at Kusinas and was quite happy. You can get beers to take home for the regular grocery store price too. Nice atmosphere and everyone in town seems to go there.
Across the street from Petron, a bit further out of town, is the only bar I could find, a girly typical cheesy karaoke bar, but they didn’t seem so friendly to me.
On the main drag (orange highway 501) there is a mechanic who replaced my ballbearings with quality Japanese ones at a 20 minute operation for only 250p. Inexpensive town with few tourists I guess. Just down the main drag from that is the veggie shop, usually open only mornings.
Booked a few nights and off it was to explore the falls:
Here’s the stats:
Below pics start from the resort, ending at the falls.
The path can be difficult to follow in some places, so suggest a tourguide, which you can arrange through the number above, or just ask anyone.
At 250p, a good deal. But they apparently implemented a new system whereby you are supposed to pay in addition a 50p environmental fee. When they tried to collect (after the tour was over) I told them they can basically blow me and I am not paying any environmental fee because I saw occasional garbage along the path. Apparently they think charge first, do the job later. Hopefully this will be sorted by the time you get there.
Lots of minifalls along the way.
Some secret passages which could be hard to find without a guide.
If you ‘d like to combine this with a more extensive tour package:

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