This page is for our guests and informs of the key places to see in our immediate area with info on how you can get to the center and other useful information.
We are located near the center of the map (which you can download to your phone for better reference), where you will find the big “Us”. It is at the end of the road once you get past the entrance gate where the security guard sits.
We are right next to the wall/fence that separates us from the neighboring compound, and if we are at home, chances are you will see our red batmobile trike parked out in front of our place.
If you go back to the guard at the entrance gate, and then turn right down the busy road (Yulo Dr), just after your second left you will find the Milk Tea Shop:
Our good friend works there and he loves to party. Ask him and he will direct you to his shop a little further down, where you can buy a beer for only 50p, party with the boys hanging out there, or take it back to the Milk Tea shop to party with our friend Kenneth (he doesn’t sell beer at his milk tea shop so that he can support the people who are renting his shop from him).
If you continue down towards the beach, at the intersection with the Total gas station, you can either turn left or right and there are many places along the beach where you can party, or ask Kenneth for his advice. Somewhere along the way you might be able to catch a tricycle to take you somewhere faster.
For a bigger party scene we would suggest Smallville and we’ll give you instructions for that if you are interested.
At the Total gas station intersection you can turn right and soon enough you will see Fredman’s Resort on your left hand side:
The beers are slightly less expensive there at 75p and you might be able to order some simple food. Otherwise, the place just next to him has good food, service, and sometimes on Saturday’s they have live music or DJ with bonfire on the beach.
In addition to the place next to Fredman’s Resort (managed by our good friend Edward), you can continue walking down the beach road to this beach cafe, where they also serve good food and have a nice view from their balcony. Sometimes they also have live music on the weekends. But it’s a little bit farther, so perhaps hire a tricycle.
Or go farther along that street to Tatoy’s, our favourite seafood restaurant (the baked oysters/Talaba are fantastic) and where they have two swimming pools!
Eateries are places where they cook big pots of food and put them into little plastic bags for you to take home. Some have seating, but not any near us. At the guard gate, turn left, instead of right to the beach. Once you get to the big intersection, on your immediate left is a 711, and just past that our favorite eatery.
If you keep walking down that road, on your right hand side you will soon get to the local wet market, where you can get vegetables, fruits, fish and meat, although the fish/seafood and meat (beef, pork and chicken) usually run out by around noon.
Back at the big intersection, across from 711, you will find the local supermarket, but for vegetables etc that is usually more expensive than the market, but a better place if you want to get ground meat.
Alternatively, you can go back towards the beach, past the guard house, on the main road you should be able to find several places selling steamed oysters or crab (to take home), or lechon (roasted pig), possibly with seating room.
You will also find several ATM machines at this corner, and next to the BDO bank you should see a constant string of jeepneys which can fairly quickly take you to the center.
You are welcome to cook in our kitchen but please always immediately clean up after yourself. You can help yourself to one of my beers at 50p each, or ask us what else is available, such as our deluxe Korean instant noodles with eggs for midnight snack emergencies. Always just send a message when helping yourself so we know what to charge you later.
Exploring locally
Besides the endless beach in either direction, one possible point of interest for a quiet, meditative stroll, is if you go towards the guard gate from our place, but take the first right. That winds back and eventually melts into a dirt road, which apparently goes on forever. People quietly growing grass for sale. Owned by the family of Kenneth and a bit of a nature walk. We still haven’t managed to get to the end.
For the broader, city area, you can check out my page on Iloilo City.
Exploring – day trips and beyond
If you would like to venture farther, you can try Miagao Church, down the coast a bit, or even Guimaras Island (my wife’s page on that island), but best to get up early enough! Or if you’d like some info on Panay island, or Visayas in general. And if you have enough time, you can always consider our beloved Palawan and the boat tours we organize there.
Generally from Tuesday to Friday we try to go to the gym, 70p per visit if you’d like to join. We usually leave around 8:50am, if you’d like a ride with us to the 711/wet market area, or you can ask us to pick up something for you on our way back, as we usually stop for food shopping shortly after 10am.
For other things to do and see, just ask us and we’d be glad to give you our best advice.
To find our place, just inform us how you will be getting here and we’ll give you specific instructions then. Enjoy your stay!

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We are a family operation managing private custom boat tours in the beautiful Palawan area, and are happy to help travelers with their plans through the country, having traveled a lot of it ourselves and planning to visit it all.