Czech Republic
The Czech Republic from the perspective of a fellow traveller
The Czech Republic from the perspective of a fellow traveller
Just another funny chapter in my life. It seemed my first business ventures of starting a modeling agency together with a waterbed emporium came to a slow, fizzling fail. Having completely burned dry my four credit cards that I had accumulated in the west while planting trees in Canada, and all my savings and even … Read more
Bohemian Paradise I was thinking that, after Thursday’s Red Dress Run, it would be nice to relax and let people do what they want on Friday. Some of the possibilities are: there is a volleyball court in the camp (that is probably what I will be doing all day) there is a climbing park in … Read more
Maps of good hiking or biking trails in cesky raj as we organised for a big event.
Bohemian Paradise One hasher just pointed out something to me that might be pertinent: vaccination against ticks. They are apparently pretty bad in the Czech Republic, so thought I’d just pass on some pertinent information: – oops, deadlink now. On the other hand, I heard that the worst of the two diseases has no … Read more
As organised for the HHH by yours truly.
Certoryje Campsite in Bohemian Paradise Above and right, where the band would be playing. Each cabin has two floors and has room for 10 beds. Comes with toilet facilities and shower. The campfire area. The campsite, with volleyball court immediate left, and climbing ropes general background. The main hall, with a smaller room in the … Read more