Seeking female travel company for world tour

I work through the internet (translation, web design, programming etc.) and have been traveling loosely around the world for the past six years, since it doesn’t matter where and what time zone I am located. My long term plan is to circumvent the world and I don’t have any particular plans to settle. I am also currently working with a publisher to put together several books of my travels. I am currently stationed in Koh Phangan, Thailand, where I am slowly setting things up for a two yearish tour of Asia by motorbike. In the past I experienced that traveling is much more fun with nice female company, just to share the experience with but also because things tend to open up much more socially, networking with locals (although the violin case on my back seems to go a long way on its own). This will also make the Asia book more interesting. For this I am happy to pay for accommodation and transportation, and different females may join me for different legs of the journey. If we get along well and you would like to continue over a longer period, I can offer some work on the computer or help out with additional costs. One interesting way I found to travel is with Help Exchange, for which I have already drawn out a map of possible places to go. With help exchange you could volunteer at various organizations in exchange for food and accommodation. Most of these places will accept payment from me instead, if I have to work and cannot volunteer, but I would enjoy volunteering occasionally too. It is a great way to meet locals and discover the true culture of a country. I generally prefer to stay away from all the tourist traps or cities but meet people on a local level, where I find them more open and genuine, and who are tickled pink to meet foreigners, as opposed to the cities or tourist traps where locals are used to foreigners or even sick of them.
Pitkovice, Croatia We could also visit couchsurfers and, as you can see from my map above, there are many places we can visit. And while visiting and networking in local areas, ideas may be suggested to us and another great way to discover the hidden jewels of the world. In 2014 China and Burma are set to open up, in which case I should be able to drive through those countries as well and it would be nice to drive through Tibet, Nepal, hopefully India to make it back to Asia. I love nature and this type of travel is the best type of travel, because you see how the world, nature, fauna, faces, customs, languages, music, food and mannerisms slowly change as you move along. Much better than training or busing it to the next big dot on the map, missing all the wonders in between. So if you’d like to become a little famous in a travel book, give me a hoot! You can check out my Couchsurfing profile to see what others have said about me and that I’m a genuine nice guy and not indecent. My primary goal is for me to enjoy my travels more and to open things up socially for better networking. You can check out the travel goof to see where I have traveled so far, or check out picasa for my latest pics and updates. The publisher is rewriting everything to “right here right now”, adding in local senses and smells. It’s all getting totally restructured and I can see how it can sell. I haven’t updated that site for several years but at least it will give you some idea of the goofy situations I tend to get myself into (which makes the interesting reading). Back then I had less work but now I’m making good cash and can therefore afford to fund a second person, which will be worth it to make the story more interesting.
Parked in Mexico during my pilot test 7 years ago,
staying here for 3$ a week. More pictures of Mexico
Copyright © KENAX, by Karel Kosman – All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Home » Travel Europe » Random »We are a family operation managing private custom boat tours in the beautiful Palawan area, and are happy to help travelers with their plans through the Philippines, having traveled a lot of it ourselves and planning to visit it all. These pages in this section cover my various solo travels through Europe before meeting my wife.