Visayas > Boracay > Siqijor > Siargao
If this is your second time to the country and you have already seen the top sites last time, we suggest a more detailed tour of the Visayas region, as there is lots to see!
The total cost for a two week vacation along this route would be from
1,000 – 2,000 USD depending on how fancy you choose your accommodation. Go here for other tours
Flight from Manila to Boracay
You can also do this entire page’s route backwards, but we chose it this way because Boracay is more of a commercial party zone for kitesurfers, while Siargao offers a departure like a chime, a note to be remembered. You’ll never want to leave but at least you’ll bring the scent of the ocean with you.
Get the heck out of Manila dude, and straight to the beach. Get your vacation right on track!
Accommodation in Boracay
If you have the time there are great islands just to the north, and instead of flying to Cebu, you can wind your way there, tons of things to see along the way.
Here are a few top options for accommodation, or click on one of the buttons to see all options (from booking.com).
If you have enough time you can check out the islands of Panay and Negros to get to Cebu by bus and ferries. Lots of jewels along the way.
Flight from Boracay to Cebu
If possible get out of metropolis Cebu asap and on your way to Bohol Island.
Accommodation on Bohol Island
Interesting scenery to explore, after which you can check out the ever elusive and magical …
Accommodation in Siqijor
We then want to get back onto Cebu island for a few more dazzling adventures.
According to Rome2Rio this route is taken care of by Ceres Liner.
Once the ferry lands on the southern tip of Cebu Island near Santander, you can take an hourly bus to Oslob to check out the whale sharks, before heading back up to MoalBoal to enjoy the waterfalls canyoneering and other fun goodies, and where you can stay the night before moving on.
In other words, if you choose to take a slower path from Boracay along land, entering central Visayas at
- Dumaguete instead of Cebu (by plane), you can go first to Oslob/Moalboal, then counter-clockwise to Cebu, or
- fly into Cebu City, then clockwise direction, eventually flying out of Dumaguete instead.
If flying in to Cebu, your overall path as explained on this page would look approximately like this (the land way to Dumaguete and fly out of Cebu route is shown on a similar map above):
Accommodation in MoalBoal
After MoalBoal you would head back south to the ferry and on to Dumaguete if flying on to Siargao or on to Siqijor if you had taken the slower land route through Panay and Negros islands.
Flight from Cebu to Siargao
Flight from Dumaguete to Siargao
Accommodation in Siargao
Now that you have had a totally awesome journey through the very heart of the country, you can start to wind down in the country’s surfer capital, hippy hang out, lots of live music, and a chill hanging joint before you re-enter the hustle and bustle of the big city. You will not want to leave!
Back to list of suggested travel routes through the Philippines
Or, for the ultimate adventure, our small family operation organizes private custom boat tours through the Palawan area, voted the best island in the world, with its 52 pristine white sand beaches and some of the clearest waters in the world.
Experience the thrill of island hopping in the Philippines!
[grw id="325"]We are a family operation managing private custom boat tours in the beautiful Palawan area, and are happy to help travelers with their plans through the country, having traveled a lot of it ourselves and planning to visit it all.